
How to compress files before downloading

If the file is large or you want to download a full folder from the server then you can compress the file to formats like zip, tar, tar.gz etc. For this example we will Zip  Jul 6, 2017 File compression, encryption, split archives, and more are all just a few clicks away Before we get to the more complicated topics, let's go back to our to zip and unzip files without any extra software, so don't download any 

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Mvc4 download file from stream

Praktické cvičení: Použití webového rozhraní API v ASP.NET 4.x k vytváření jednoduchých rozhraní REST API pro aplikace kontaktujte správce. The new preview Azure Redis Cache is really easy to plug into your Azure web app. I had it plugged into my MVC Movie sample app, deployed to Azure and running in under 17 minutes (15 minutes to plug it in and test locally).

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